Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hindutva and the Menance of Moral policing

What is education? Basically education apart from its official meaning that is associated with the academic curriculum stands just for learning. The learning can be anything. Learning how to swim learning about the society around us etc. As a student from the College of Fine Arts, Chennai my experience in Baroda is quiet memorable and plays a vital role in my life. What is said to be part of the academic curriculum in MSU is nothing but everything about the practical life what we live, the politics and ethicalities of the society around us and how do we encounter and perceive it. Right from the class room exercises of critical writing to the national workshops one could see that there is a concern and conceptual framework in the operation of the Art history department of the fine arts faculty. We raised voices for equality of Gender, folk and tribal arts, issues on minority and many more issued that are closely linked to the idea of aesthetics and art history. The class room excercises ranged from studying medivial sanskrit texts to the contemporary post-structuralist and post-modern theories.

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